Santa Rosa Weather

Currently in Santa Rosa

current santa rosa weather



Wind Direction
W at 6 mph

Humidity: 14%
Dewpoint: 38°
Barometer: 29.72 in
Rain Today: 0.00 in

Updated 10/3/24 4:32pm

Latest North Bay Weather

Napa91°Napa weatherSW 8
Petaluma91°Petaluma weatherNW 8
San Francisco88°San Francisco weatherNW 10
Ukiah100°Ukiah weatherSE 8

Santa Rosa 5 Day Forecast     

 Go to Scientific Forecast Discussion

California Satellite

Santa Rosa Radar

Santa Rosa Daily Almanac

Today: 99°/53° (since midnight)
Yesterday: 104°/57°
Average*: 78°/50°
Records*: 102°/42°
Actual Rain: 0.00 in (since Oct 1)
Average Rain*: 0.11 in
Rain Year*: 0% of Average
Sunrise: 7:11am
Sunset: 6:51pm

Moon Phase and Gardening

moon phase  New Moon

Gardening by the Moon
Transition period from Last Quarter Phase to New Moon Phase. No planting today.

Based on the ancient Synodic Method of Lunar Planting

About Urban Garden Weather

The Urban Garden Weather page is a truly local look at Santa Rosa weather conditions and the weather conditions across Sonoma County, Wine Country, and the North Bay.

Where the data comes from
Santa Rosa weather conditions are provided by Urban Garden's rooftop weather system using a Davis Vantage Pro2 Plus with Virtual Weather Station software.

Latest North Bay weather observations are obtained through METAR and MESONET weather observation reports for the cities of Napa, Petaluma, San Francisco, Santa Rosa and Ukiah.

The Santa Rosa 5 Day Forecast is provided by the Weather Underground and is updated throughout the day.

Satellite data provided courtesy of NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research.

More Links
Urban Garden Weather observations can also be found on other websites, including the National Weather Service and Weather Underground:
National Weather Service
Weather Underground

Never make important decisions based on this information or any weather information obtained from the Internet.

* Average Santa Rosa temperatures, rainfall, and record temperatures are based on recordings from the Urban Garden weather station since 2002 and are not official values.